About Us
Austin County VR came about with the construction of Austin County News Online’s new green screen studio. Green Screen Studios are not in use all the time, so there needed to be another way to help offset the expense of the facility. That’s when the idea of allowing people the opportunity to rent the studio on an hourly basis came about. But, besides business videos, interviews and the like, why would the average person want to rent a green screen studio? Then it hit us; Mixed Reality VR!

Mixed Reality?
(Coming Soon)
Virtual Reality itself is pretty awesome. BUT, when you mix VR with a green screen some really cool things begin to happen! As you can see by the video, the combination of the two (with the addition of the LIV Software) can give you some really great effects.
Now, you’re not just in the game, you’re able to share it with others. Record yourself or even broadcast it out on the internet for others to watch as you interact with the VR World.
So Why Austin County?
Well, the biggest reason is because we live here. But, it’s also a neat thing to bring to the area. Austin County, due to its rural nature, is limited in the entertainment activities available to us. And VR is not something that would likely become available to the area anytime soon.
VR itself is not a new phenomenon. It’s actually been around for quite some time. However, it is only just now becoming affordable to the average person. And, with today’s computers becoming more and more powerful and able to run such graphically intensive things as VR, it just made sense. Also, the people of Austin County and the surrounding area would probably enjoy experiencing this new technology in a relaxed and local environment.

Have Questions? Contact Us Now!
If you have any questions or would like to contact Austin County VR, give us a call at (979) 253-0169 and we’ll do our best to answer them for you. Or, you can shoot us an email at: info@austincountyvr.com